Environmental Forum Webinar
The Impact Assessment Act: separating the facts from fiction
Thursday, March 23, 2023, from 10:30 to 11:30am MST
On March 21-22, 2023 the Supreme Court of Canada will hear Canada’s appeal of the Alberta Court of Appeal decision that the Impact Assessment Act (IAA) is unconstitutional. In a 4-1 ruling, a majority of the ACA found the IAA to constitute a serious overreach by the federal government into provincial jurisdiction.
This webinar discussed the IAA, how it works and how it is different from previous federal environmental assessment legislation, the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act of 2012 and the original Canadian Environmental Assessment Act of 1992.
Gavin Fitch, Partner at McLennan Ross LLP
Gavin Fitch is an award-winning lawyer and K.C. working in environmental, regulatory, energy permitting, and Indigenous law. He’s a respected and trusted advisor who provides sound, practical advice geared towards keeping his clients out of the hearing room. When necessary, however, he is a strong and fearless advocate, whether in negotiations or in a courtroom.