Indigenous Relations Committee
Indigenous Relations Committee
Over the years the Indigenous Relations Committee has worked with member companies, Indigenous stakeholders and government to improve how the resource sector works with Indigenous communities on the landscape.
While the resource sector has long been a positive partner with Indigenous businesses and communities across Alberta there is more work to be done.
Our industry is changing bringing forward new ideas and concepts that will support meaningful Indigenous participation in an evolving economy.
Through thoughtful discussion and practical application ACR members are actively engaged in addressing barriers to success for communities and economic and other forms of reconciliation with Indigenous leaders and communities.
Published the award-winning publication “Learning from Experience: Aboriginal Programs in the Resources Industry”
Review activities of companies aligned with the principles of the United Nations Declarations on Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)
Seek out forms of economic partnership and cooperation
Comments and recommendations submitted to the Government of Alberta on its revisions of the Indigenous Consultation Policy
Speakers’ series including Indigenous and industry leaders on the changing nature of relations
Review of Canada-wide activities and policies related to economic accommodation in all business and industry sectors